A teacher training workshop at ILC( International Language Centre)

On January 15,I attended a teacher training seminar at ILC conducted by Lana Sushko and Anna Basarab. During the first session Lana demonstrated a lot of techniques how to present,practise and boost vocabulary. Ann showed the participants how to teach a perfect lesson with minimum resources.


Переглядів: 1866 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 21.01.2016 | Коментарі (0)

                              Certificate Awarding Ceremony at ETRC

On December 25, a Certificate Awarding Ceremony with English Language Fellow Seneca Ryan took place at ETRC. English language teachers, who had attended 5 or more teacher training workshops by Seneca from October through December 2015 at the ETRC and America House, were awarded official certificates of accomplishment. The Certificate party had a very heartwarming atmosphere. Participants enjoyed snacks and drinks and shared how Seneca’s workshops helped them in their teaching, which activities they applied in their classrooms and praised Seneca’s professionalism, dedication and inspiring personality.

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Переглядів: 341 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 26.12.2015 | Коментарі (0)

Cambridge University Press ELT Ukraine

23 грудня команда Cambridge English в Україні провела останній в цьому році ексклюзивний семінар для шкіл-учасниць проекту Cambridge English Schools, на якому ми не лише плідно попрацювали, а й привітали один одного з прийдешніми святами!


Переглядів: 308 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 26.12.2015 | Коментарі (0)

On December 18, I attended a workshop“Understanding How We Learn:Successful Study Habits for Effective Learners" conducted  by English Language Fellow Seneca Ryan ”. Seneca explored core principles which lay at the heart of the effective learning process and discussed with participants a number of useful strategies that could help study more effectively, memorize material better and manage time spent for studying more wisely. Participants highly enjoyed Seneca’s ideas and tips as the ones that would be of great help to students and teachers alike.


Переглядів: 492 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 23.12.2015 | Коментарі (0)

On December 11 I attended a workshop "8 Great Grammar Activities to Get Students Talking" which was conducted by English Language Fellow Seneca Ryan .Seneca shared with participants 8 creative activities which would motivate learners to speak while using specific grammar targets. Participants highly enjoyed the workshop and Seneca encouraged English language instructors to use more creative and fun ways to teach grammar, which would help their students to grasp the material better and integrate a variety of English grammar rules into their everyday speech.

Переглядів: 329 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 13.12.2015 | Коментарі (0)

On November 27,I attended the  teacher training workshop «Giving Instructions: Part 1 - Common Mistakes & Reflective Practice» conducted by  English Language fellow Seneca Ryan.It was  the first part of the two-part workshop on giving instructions. In the course of the workshop, Seneca and participants discussed some reasons why giving clear instructions was so important for students, reflected on how to avoid common mistakes, assessed their own methods of communicating instructions in classrooms and also practiced giving instructions for various activities. The workshop was both informative and entertaining, and the topic of learning how to give clear instructions was of great value to any teacher.Seneca was great as usual.

Переглядів: 353 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 28.11.2015 | Коментарі (4)


On November 17, teacher training workshop on the topic "Utilizing Bloom’s Taxonomy in the EFL Classroom" was organized at ETRC. Presenter was Maryna Tsehelska, PHD, Vice-President of TESOL-Ukraine, Assistant Professor at Kryvyi Rih National University and Director of Educational center “Interclass”.
In her highly well-structured presentation Maryna told about low to high levels of thinking skills according to Bloom’s Taxonomy and about types of classrooms activities and assignments which belong to each level. Afterwards, Maryna shared her method of teaching vocabulary through schemes and charts on the example of the topic Television. Participants highly enjoyed the event for informativeness and new ideas on teaching EFL.


Переглядів: 308 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 22.11.2015 | Коментарі (1)

ETRC  -ресурсний центр для вчителів                                      

On November 13, English Language Fellow Seneca Ryan conducted the third workshop of the “8 Great” series and shared with participants 8 easy and fun communicative activities which would get students engaged and motivated to speak up in the classroom. At the end of the workshop Seneca held a lottery and presented winners with the latest issue of Forum magazine and other materials for teaching ES

Переглядів: 309 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 20.11.2015 | Коментарі (1)

Приєдналась до он-лайн курсу на сайті «Coursera”   



Переглядів: 336 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 20.11.2015 | Коментарі (2)

06 листопада 2015 в Києві в університеті КРОК відбувся семінар для вчителів англійської мови Prepare! for exam success, організаторами якого виступили видавництво Кембриджського університету (Cambridge University Press), екзаменаційний департамент Кембриджського університету Cambridge English, Ukraine, офіційний дистриб’ютор видавництва в Україні компанія Linguist Kyiv Ukraine та Всесвітня організація вчителів англійської мови IATEFL-Ukraine

Переглядів: 334 | Додав: Julia | Дата: 20.11.2015 | Коментарі (4)

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